About Us
Our Vision:
The AKH Foundation envisions a community where people take personal responsibility for their health.
Our Mission
The mission of the AKH Foundation is to help improve the health, wellness and quality of life, for those who live or work in the Alle-Kiski Valley and beyond.

Our Core Values
- All Foundation programs shall be provided free of charge.
- The Foundation shall maintain a high degree of honesty and integrity in all of its dealings and activities.
- The Foundation shall treat all individuals fairly, respectfully and compassionately.
- The Foundation shall take seriously the stewardship of assets entrusted
to it by donors. - Foundation donors, volunteers and staff shall be treated as valuable
community assets. - The Foundation shall endeavor to remain innovative as it seeks to improve, develop and adapt programs and projects in fulfillment of its mission.
Our History
The Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation celebrated its 25th year as an independent community health resource in 2022. Since 1997, the Board of Directors and staff have changed little, a testament to the commitment and passion of the organization’s human resources. In that time, millions of dollars have been invested in the community in the form of grants, programs and services.
Its vision and mission remain constant as well. The organization’s vision and mission have changed only slightly since 1997. Signature mission fulfillment programs and projects include the AED Program, Community Health & Wellness Education, Community Nurse Outreach, Community Grants, Healthy Teen Activities, Scholarship Awards, First Responder Grants and much more!
As the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation grew, both financially and in its connection to the greater community, it acquired and renovated the One Acee Drive property. The Charles & Mary Lou Young Non-Profit Center was opened in 2010. It serves as the center for the organization’s projects, programs and operations. Its William & Grayce Walker Conference Room includes state-of-the-art audio/visual equipment, which, prior to COVID-19, was used regularly by many local organizations for training, meetings and community assistance programs. While the Foundation hopes that the conference room can once again safely host live programs and seminars, in the meantime, it is embarking on providing informative and timely programs through the Zoom Webinar platform.
In coming years, the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation is well positioned to improve and expand the services that it offers to the community – all which have been, and will continue to be, provided free of charge!
For information on how you can become involved as a volunteer, donor or ambassador, please feel free to contact us at (724) 294-3157.
The Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation is an independent 501 (c)(3) charitable organization registered with both the Internal Revenue Service and the Pennsylvania Department of State Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
The Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation serves the entire Alle-Kiski Valley by helping to improve the health, wellness and quality of life for those who live or work in the region. The Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation invests many thousands of dollars each year in the Alle-Kiski Valley through grants, programs and services that help fulfill its mission. All of the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation’s programs and services are provided to the community free of charge.
The Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation is NOT part of any hospital, health system or any other organization. It is funded through charitable contributions from caring individuals who feel the need to give something back and through modest investment income.
All funds raised through the generosity of caring individuals from throughout the Alle-Kiski Valley are used for projects, grants and services in the Alle-Kiski Valley, hence our long-standing slogan, All Funds Raised at Home, Stay at Home.
All Funds Raised at Home, Stay at Home.
The AKH Foundation does not discriminate in providing services, hiring, volunteer recruitment and retention, or any other activity based on race, color, national origin, religion, political affiliation, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital/family/parental status, income, etc.
For more information about the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation and the concepts expressed herein, please contact us at (724) 294-3157.
The official registration and financial information of the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Our Board
Robert B. Hallman
Susan Scheid
Sonny Zampogna
Robert W. Andreen, Esq.
President & CEO
John D. Pastorek
Additional Directors:
Joseph J. Barch
David Gusmar
Robert C. Hallman
John Kuzmirek
Alexander J. Micklow
Raymond E. Muth
Sam Rockwell
Blaze Tatananni
Karen Wantland
Our Staff
John Pastorek
AKH Foundation President & CEO, John Pastorek, was certified as a Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) for 25-years. John holds two Bachelor of Science Degrees, as well as a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management. In addition to non-profit management, John has expertise in resource development, organizational development, strategic planning, public relations and is a certified Community Health Deputy.
Paula Kuzmirek
Executive Assistant Paula Kuzmirek has been a key employee with the AKH Foundation since the year 2000. Her major areas of responsibility include accounts payable/accounts receivable, marketing, office technology, volunteer and donor coordination, and special event management. Also a certified notary, Paula has completed classwork, and earned certificates of accomplishment, in many other areas.