Community Nurse
The AKH Foundation’s staffed nurse, Marion Marty, RN, BSN, is charged with developing and maintaining lists of medical and community health resources, providing health education to individuals and groups, providing personal health counseling and advocacy as well as developing community educational programs including the following topics:
- Medicare
- Elder care issues
- Mental health issues
- Health insurance
- Disease prevention
- Wellness
- Grief
The program is modeled after the highly successful Parish Nurse program, a nursing specialty recognized by the American Nurses Association. The AKH Foundation Community Nurses will be available to meet one-on-one with community residents over the age of 18.
In addition to the services listed above, Community Nurse, Marion Marty, RN, BSN, is charged with being the COVID-19 lead staff person. She also develops and maintains lists of medical and community health resources.

Marion Marty, RN, BSN